where you bang a beezie with a mexican beer bottle and drink her pussy juice out of the bottle
brandon and mary beth did a mexican backwash on new years eve
by Kangaroocourt February 8, 2007
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The act of nutting in another persons throat, then shitting in their mouth and swallowing it, to then regurgitate it into a shoe and then chugging it down in under 15 secs and then fucking your sister
My brother gave me the Redneck Backwash last night
by Big PP Tyrone February 2, 2022
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Old vodka that has been passed around at parties, some time it’s just in plastic water bottles
Dude1: hey did you get vodka from that party?
Dude2: yeah but I got stuck with the backwash vodka bottle
by vApeBro November 15, 2018
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When two people get close enough in a scissor like position to connect urethra to urethra forming one single unit. Some have even been known to swap the contents of their bladders.
Steve: "Tom what are those lesbians doing overthrew?:

Tom: "thats a yoga pose called the backwash chimney, we should try it sometime."
by Bryan Leroy September 29, 2021
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Noun). An Act of Incestual Oral sex. In which the female..(or male) partner gives oral suckage upon the penis of their male partner till the male hits coitous. Upon which the partner must swish it around inside of their mouth and dispense of it inside an empty plastic bottle, in which the partner must then take it and drink from it.

~Note: This act cannot be performed unless the partner is some how related genetically to you.
<i>"S'what? Yeah I gave my man a lil Alabama Backwash. It goes good with a little Coca - Cola."</i>
by Dr Grant Ross May 29, 2008
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A baby resulting from cum leaking out of a girl's ass and into her pussy after anal sex.
It doesn't matter if he fucks me up in the ass, I'm gonna let it all run out and make me a backwash baby
by Dr MDrr December 1, 2016
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someone who is the way annoying than your average "joe douchenozzle" and has need for a more insulting insult, because the backwash of the douche is the run off of what actually goes into the skanky, nasty pussy, so therefore calling someone douche backwash is way worse!
Hey, that guy on craigslist with stupid blinder shades flashing 20's and talking trash trying to pickup chicks is nothing more than douche backwash!

Even people all over the net are calling him douche backwash.
by BJBob May 23, 2008
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