Its a word used to describe someone that looks and act like a retard.
Hey look at lil daniel, he looks just like a fucking mongoloid. He gets no pussy my nigga.
by Matador454 December 1, 2014
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An ugly mixed race ADHD freak who's ignorant, stupid, and has no ability to reason and act right.
Mom your half native indian half mexican boyfriend is a mongoloid because he won't pay his share of the bills, drinks too much, agrees with me but won't take my advice and please wake him up and make him clean up all his mess he made making his hot wings.
by sickOitchad March 9, 2006
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an annoying obnoxious authoritative twat known for their down syndrome like features and neanderthal looking skin
The mongoloids were the only reason ww2 was such a big deal had they not been involved it would have just been a police action against communism.
by razzamatazibizzle October 19, 2017
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The term used to describe some buck tooth, back woods, cousin fucking, inbred piece of shit asshole who uses the word "Retard" to describe the word "Mongoloid."
I just noticed that a couple of douchbags are using the word mongoloid synonomously with the word retard, what a bunch a TRUE mongoloids.
by BobNagana March 21, 2015
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A derogatory term usually for victims of Downs Syndrome but can be used to describe all retards. Mongoloids are well known for smiling at normal people and giving the thumbs up sign.
That fuckin mongoloid just smiled at me! Fuckin creepy man, we should fuck him up!

Dude, dont let that fuckin mongo touch you!
by acesn8s November 27, 2010
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A mongoloid is a creature who is an inbred and smells like sweat

Ethan Barella
You’re a mongoloid. You must be called Ethan barella
by SexyTopShaggerBen August 1, 2018
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