A phrase said to League of Legends players and many internet-goers in general; used as an insult to indicate that a person needs to stop spending so much time on the computer and get a life outside of it.
Friend: I just got Challenger in League!! It only took like 5 years of me playing the game for 8 hours straight every single day!!!
Me: That's awesome!!! Now that you've got that all finished up, you should go outside and go touch grass for the first time in fucking forever, you degenerate loser!
by suburban__dictionary May 27, 2022
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Gamers.They never ever ever ever touched some damn grass before.
by DaWordCat August 8, 2022
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1. Go outside
2. Once you go outside go to the green thing
3. Once you are at the green thing bend over
4. Once you bended over open your hands and touch the green thing
5. Congratulations you have touched grass
Person 1: Go outside and touch grass
Gamer: How to touch grass
Person 2: omg
by jaytoolivee June 7, 2023
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July 23 is national touch grass day! Its when you disgusting unholy fucks finally go outside and touch grass :)
Mary: Hey John guess what day it is
John: What day is it
Mary: Its national touch grass day!!
John: o h n o
Mary: *throws John outside*
by Panic! Just fucking panic July 13, 2021
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When some guy says shit soooooooo random,pointless and/or stupid that he needs to get oxygen in east bumblefuck.
person 1:im in 9yds7gc9yzsdviydffdygbyfgvudfh and im also having sex with a bull and said bull is AroAce so its technically raping and i know im a fuckboy person 2:wtf,go touch grass
by greekguy69 June 30, 2022
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another name of a genshin impact player over ar 40
shut up carlos, i know you're a person in need of touching grass, since you're obssesing over your xiao build for the literal 57th time this week and your ar is insanely high.
by stronkscorbunny December 16, 2021
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