Savage, doesn't give a shit, will fuck your bitch with some Gucci flip flops, has no feelings
Dagos is similar to a honey badger
by Dagos July 19, 2016
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A nickname for the city of San Diego, used by people who are not from San Diego, but want to give the impression that they are. See also: poser.
Yeah, bro, I spent some time in Dago- the bitches are hot down there.
by Dan H1 September 22, 2007
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"DAGO " A racial term used by Italians to describe Africans or Black people during the 1700's
"The DAGO and his family were found conjugating on the master's porch "
by ancient words July 19, 2016
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Dago is the cool way of sayin daigo it is for only italians so stop refererin to spaniards n stuff as dago not hapiinin. Southern italian origins= Sudago
Northern italian origins= Nordago
Wer u from Dago Calabrese alright wat u doin sudago!
by Sudago070707 September 12, 2007
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Acronym for "DAS A GUD ONE." Usually used when revealing the the state of being trolled.
Timmy: Yo, where's Linny?
Alex: She died, bro...
Timmy: What.... :(
Timmy: DAGO
Alex: DAGO
by robotizking June 30, 2011
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A greasy haired italian with no goddamn papers.
"Hey johnny look over there!"


"at the quattro amicci cafe, look at all the fucking doowop dagos"
by hemps August 25, 2014
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