Seventeen. Why? Count for yourself the next time you have a metric buttload of anything; you'll see.
We had a metric buttload of people at the party last night, yo.

Just seventeen? Kindof a lousy turnout, dontcha think?
by Mightjo July 3, 2005
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A most swag unit of measurement used by gangstas and pimps of a classier variety. Unlike its uncultured counterpart metric buttloads shitloads and fucktons are all base ten and as such far easyer to use in calculations.
On yesterday's evening I consumed a metric buttload of fine liquor. Unfortunately When I arose from my inebriated slumber, I found myself ducktaped to the underside of a freeway wearing nothing but my proud Union Jack skivvies.
by Alexiosassypants February 18, 2016
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meaning a lot of something. probably the biggest amount ever
i need a buttload of money for the black friday sales
by zamzizzle December 1, 2009
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Usually defining a fair amount of something. The word is used with humorous intention as well as by people who are too coy to say shitload which is the more serious way to describe an amount.
That chick has a Buttload of crusty tattoos!
by Pyyradex November 4, 2017
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