Sassy woo-girl version of 'yes bitch yes'
Person 1: Are you gonna go to the Britney Spears concert?

Person 2: Yass Bitch Yass
by Bamboozledhippi July 23, 2016
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A many layered mans well Defined Beard
'Jesus check out the angle on that mans Yass
by jOEY April 29, 2004
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Person 1: You some of me

Person 2: Fuck you, bring yass
by Wa-Bert Lewis October 15, 2005
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the words your and ass put together!
do you smell that?Yass
by Courash February 21, 2005
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alexis: yass
timmy: shut the fuck up you degenerate fuck
by fucknutshitface November 5, 2018
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An acronym for 'Yay, a sex slave!' Anyone who says it is instantly part of the sex slave movement, whether they like or know it, or not, and whoever hears it instantly dies of cringe.
Friend 1: Hey bro, you want to go to the nudist beach?
Friend 2: Yass!
Friend 1: *dies*
*years pass as friend 2 is protesting in the sex slave movement*
by TheAwesomeGM September 27, 2020
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