Tina is a beautiful girl that im attracted to. she has long black hair. pretty eyes. a nice body. a sexy ass. nice tits. and sexxy ass legs! sooooo fuck-able! shes yummy <3

love you tina ! <3
by tbierlein. December 28, 2011
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amazing,sexist,most amazing girl ever,big boobs and butt,
always happy, gets guys(:
daughter of god.
man i wish i was a tina
by dude.just.shut.up February 5, 2010
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by November 24, 2021
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Started by Colby who refered to my lazyness as tinaness

So if you add a name in front of ness it means that person and lazy.

But tinaness is the original form.
"Your tinaness is affecting me"
"You seem to be affected by tinaness today"
"I'm feeling tinaness!"

With other names:
"Your colbyness is affecting me"
"You seem to be affected by megzyness today"

by TinaYoshi / 5927 January 16, 2009
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Shayla pulled a Tina when she told Christie to invite Jared to hang out with them because she knew the two could go back to the empty house where he was house sitting.
by Ameliantha June 23, 2011
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Tina is the best possible version of a person. She can make a room silent just by walking in. She will make you laugh with any noise she makes and will always be loyal no matter anything that happens. Tina is almost as great as pancakes
Although tina is great at everything competing she’s alright
by NotAlex90yrold June 10, 2019
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A girl who is so kind and never fails to make you laugh. She is willing to do anything for her friends and never gives up. Tinas are very smart and gorgeous gals. She will do anything to make you smile and if you ever date a tina never let her go or mess with her because she’s not for that. She will not take your jokes and she will stand up for herself. The most bravest girl you’ll ever meet is tina
Tina is the best person I know. She never fails to make me laugh
by I LIKE LOOB October 24, 2019
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