Raised to be a racer, most lovable , humours , trust worthy, most of the girls fall for him but the true n rare stands for him.
Girish Raina stands on his word and also break the bones of people who shows off
by Wife of Girish November 29, 2021
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The act of having sex with multiple men in a 24 hour period, separately, each man using the last mans cum already inside the woman's pussy as lube for their turn,
Yesterday I did a 6 guy dirty Raina, I was so full of cum at the end
by Theinsanegenius December 9, 2018
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A person who's looks are deceiving. On the outside the most beautiful and the most attractive of faces; out this world sexy. Pretends to be extremely caring, nice, most generous, soft voice and very passive.
Really is a rude, dishonest, cheating, scandalous, vindictive, unhappy, whiney, immature and deceitful. Chica diablos; Devil woman.
I thought she was good people, but she really is a Raina.
by TRU83 June 1, 2019
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an evil person on warcraft 3 who abandons her friends (see bitch, anti-christ and noob)
Raina u asshole no-one like u after what u did to ur friends
by Shinto February 23, 2005
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A stupid bitch that only the kids that eat their own poop hang out with, A girl who stills plays with barbies at 42 years old. Only a guy name Glenn could ever love her because he eats his own poop
Glenn: Woah Raina is so pretty. I like Raina

Hollis: I heard she likes you back
by ihateeveryone6924356892 January 11, 2020
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The effect Raina gives off when someone first meets her and instantly has a crush, without Raina’s knowing. 50% of the they never act on it since she’s too amazing to believe the feeling is mutual. 40% of the something is said to someone about it from the person under the effect. 10% of the time the person under the effect says something to Raina themselves. 100% of the time Raina is completely shocked by how attractive she is to others, even after many examples of people confessing their love to her. The point is she is so amazing that most if not all peers she meets will feel romantically attracted to her.
Boy 1: I think I like Raina
Boy 2: Don’t we all? Must be the real Raina effect, But you gotta tell her!
Boy 1: But she’s so out of my league
Boy 2: What’s the worst that can happen


Boy 1: Hey Raina, I think you’re great and I like you
Raina: Aaahhhhhh (In her head: Please don’t be a stalker please don’t be a stalker)
by PleaseGoToCanadaWithMe November 7, 2019
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