by Really Vinnie to bug July 3, 2016
An abusive piece of shit who expects you to be loyal to him while he cheats on you. Most likely went to prison.
by Lucilovesherjordy August 21, 2019
A guy who glows and is pretty damn amazing. All the girls faint when he walks pass, and is SPECTACULAR in bed. He's sweet, athletic, and has a gorgeous smile along with his Blueish yellowish eyes. When you look into them you feel like you can't float into the sea. He looks his best in American Eagle boxers(:
by Cindy718 May 5, 2011
a beautiful boy with blond hair green/blue eyes. not afraid to do silly things in public and will make you laugh. a lovely boy who likes cuddles and is very affectionate <3
by ilikepenguins November 16, 2010
Usaully, a fat, orange and a potato head. A Mikey has no friends. He cant get any girls because he's very insecure. A Mikey also loves to eat junk food example: Pizza, chips, donuts etc.
by HAHAJOKER January 23, 2017