An asshole with temper problems. Plain and simple. She has a very, and I mean VERY, large penis. Which is confusing, but satisfying at the same time...if only it weren't bigger than yours.
Friend 1:Your dating a Makenna?
Friend 2:yeah, but it doesn't hurt as much as you would think
by Oranges are Bae March 20, 2017
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Makenna is the type of person to be loud af. Which can be a good thing. She can also be very funny at some times. She is very straight forward and will not be afraid to tell you what is wrong with you. She has two sides like most people (Evil and Nice. You DO NOT want to see her evil side. She is also very short.
Me- Some girl was so loud in class today!
Human- What was her name?
Human-Makes sense
by Fuckface1283901 December 2, 2019
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Makenna is hard to understand for she is a paradox; energetic and reserved, happy and depressed, warmhearted and cold, empathetic and unfeeling, absurd and logical, impulsive and thoughtful. She is never the girl trying to win the popularity contest. She gets ostracized by her peers since she does not possess "the looks" or "the personality" however if someone were to get to know her for her mind they would be hooked by its beauty. She loves fairness and wants more than anything to live her life without being compared to everyone else. Since this is impossible to achieve, however, she tends to resort to escapism, existing in her own world. She has a tendency to view life as a curse rather than a blessing, due to her poor upbringing and personal trauma. She is hard to get close to and has a low tolerance for bullshit. Her greatest weakness is her low self esteem. If a thousand people told Makenna they loved her, she would still feel unwanted. Her greatest strength is her creativity. Although, most people are not ready for the radical ideas she presents.
Person 1: Makenna is so underrated

Person 2: who's Makenna?
Person 1: my point exactly
by mileystewart_bussdown August 12, 2019
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Makenna is very bubbly, only with her close friend of course. She finds herself falling for fuck-boys often, and can be rumored to be lucky. Makenna is defiantly the funny one in your friend group and knows just how to make you laugh! Makenna is also a VERY loyal girlfriend and if you find a Makenna don't let her go.
Jack: Woah, who is that?
Alex: Thats Makenna
Jack: woah, she's cute!
Alex: Yeah, she's also loyal!
Jack: Good to know...
by A Kylie December 2, 2019
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Makenna is a very funny person and is loyal to everyone. She is vary touchy sometimes because she is vary confident
She also is in love his a blue eyed dirty blonde guy named Mason.
Makenna and Mason would be a good couple.
by Date Mason Makenna June 18, 2019
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Makenna is the most amazing person you will ever meet and they will fill your heart with joy! They is always there to protect you and be there for you when you're sad. Oh and Makenna is the most beautiful person on the face of this earth!!!
by Makenna! October 29, 2019
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A Snobby B***h whob is used to getting everything she wants.Annoying wannabe that likes to give beautiful girls the stink eye and easier to open than a pop.
Stop being such a Makenna.
by Katy_Anne January 1, 2012
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