When you doggy style your buddy and you can't get off so you terd tamp him so much that he shits pucks for a week.
Warren has had a rough week he got a dirty Lorne from Baden on the weekend.
by April 10, 2021
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Seeing how much lore the second Sonic movie is creating, this film series could turn into serious lorn!
by JMReader April 10, 2022
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An amazing, beautiful lady who lights up the room. Very pretty. Absolutely gorgeous!!! So cute!!! One of the most supportive people you will ever find!!! Literally the best!!!
Everyone should find themeselves a lorn. Everyone needs a lorn

Damn you Wisconsin for stealing my lorn from me!!!!
by 1234loozer2000 June 17, 2024
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Lorn is a boy. He is happy and bright. He can make your day and he has a sense of humor. He is a boy that can promise over and over not to leave. But one day he will, just like the rest. He will give you butterflies. He will tell you his darkest secrets and come to you when you he is in pain. He will help you and be there for you. But once you think you love him and once you are finally happy thinking things are perfect, he will leave. It hurts and you will miss him. I hope the best for you.
Lorn was my reason but now he is gone and with him gone I lost my reason for everything.
by PETA DANNY February 9, 2022
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