A devotee of the Glenn Beck show or someone who is unable to reality test or fact check information in order to have a thoughtful, intelligent dialogue.
He is such a becker head he thinks Medicare is a private insurance company.
by TYTlistener2 October 16, 2009
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The greatest guitarist that ever lived. He and Marty Friedman started the amazing speed metal band called Cacophony. Somehow Jason got ALS and now he can't shred the fuck out of everyone.
"Jason Becker fucking owns, Marty Friedman is awesome too."
by Jason Becker Lover June 1, 2006
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When the bowl is packed only half way and is passed off as a normal bowl
"dude tom packed a sweet becker bowl, it almost made it around once."
by Kamarov February 9, 2008
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Young forever single man who has an unexplained love for volcom shit. Swears a lot and thoroughly enjoys drinking and jerky boarding. Every time he gets drunk he somehow ends up hitting on his attractive first cousin, with full knowledge that they're related. Also loves anal.
That Karson Becker is real twat waffle.
by Fresh Skidmarks March 2, 2016
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Ahh Becker College where can I start? Well actually nowhere because there is nothing to say about a private school with about 1600 people, half of which live off campus. Another funny thing I learned about the school is that about 99% of the people who attend live 5 minutes away but insist on rooming. Also Becker has a zero tolerance policy for drinking, the biggest party i have been to was about 15 people, how cool is that! It's really a shame Becker didn't make the top 10 party school list. Campus police walks in and out of the dorms as they please; it’s really sweet of them to make sure everyone is safe. I wouldn’t even know where to begin in defining the type of kids who go to this school; lets just say they are far from preppy. Oooo sports here rule, seriously they are so good, just kidding we haven’t won a game in years. Well that about sums it up.
if you dont want to have fun and sit in your dorm room 24/7 then go to Becker College
by Burtney Burt September 24, 2007
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