Where man go qway to shot draw in a house or flat
Ym:Where's ka big e
Big e: heard he's gone bandoe for few weeks g
by Kamanden1 July 28, 2017
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An idiot (see fucktard) in a high school or college band.
John was such a bando. Everytime the marching band went out and preformed won an award he shoved it in everyone's face for a week.

"Yeah those bandos over there are corrupting little Timmy, making him do bad things to the director and such.
by Chuck February 17, 2003
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A nitties house, which drugs dealers use to do, and sell drugs
“Let’s go to the bando and do a like of ket
by jodielovesthesesh March 12, 2020
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Insanely lit party. Typically in an expensive hotel.
Hey man, you should’ve been at the bando this past weekend. We had a crazy amount of bottles at this 5star hotel.
by Astrekuni December 13, 2017
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A baby born in rough conditions ie. The hood and is raised in an unstable home
by Unique specimen June 5, 2020
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The act of searching for and breaking into anbandonded apartments
Yo r u trying to go bando hunting rn
by suckmydick124 June 30, 2016
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To go to the Bando. (See below)

Bando - An abandoned building. Typically located in the "hood" or a bad area of town. Often used to "trap" or sell narcotics out of. Also may be used as a stash house to store drugs or other illegal paraphernalia such as guns and money.
"She my trap queen let her hit the bando."
She is trustworthy enough to go to the stash house.
by DoctorSlang August 30, 2015
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