1. Any one/thing that was better than awesome
2. Cum
That was freakin, awesomesauce!!!!

How's my awesomesauce taste?
by MacWagner November 21, 2009
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awesomesauce: being the more delightful way of saying awesome. may cause strange looks if said around easily confused people. also acceptable: appletastic
"yo dudeski, that "keep the planet clean, its not uranus" shirt is totally awesomesauce
by ZeeZers April 26, 2010
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1. Something or someone that is completely beyond awesome.
2. Referring to a man's ejaculation
1. Yo that Tokio Hotel concert was totally awesomesauce!!!!
2. Um, dude... you got your awesomesauce all over my bed.. you need to clean that up.
by VLG December 15, 2008
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Sauce that is awesome but still sauce at the same time. Particularly tomato sauce.
That is awesomesauce on that pizza!
by killmepls October 27, 2014
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adj. 1)the only word epic enough to describe some things that are worthy
n. 1)secreated from people/animals/objects that happen to be the best 2) used to smother waffles, gummy bears, chocolate, and other delectable ettible objects (common day we call this food)
1) Friend:oh....my.....god.....I don't know how to describe that.
Friend 2:describe what?
Friend:that totally epic event
Friend 2:awesomesauce.
by HotteeeWifBodeee April 29, 2009
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When something is so good that Awesome just doesn't complete the meaning. Like an amazing devil's food chocolate cake is just not complete without the chocolate frosting. Consider the added "sauce" the frosting!
OMG she is awesomesauce!
by Ziggy4Tracey April 5, 2011
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Adjective: Something so awesome that if it were sauce it would be all over your favorite consumable.
I went to an awesomesauce show and rocked the eff out.
The Rift looks so awesomesauce I'm ready to sell my WoW account.
by itgirlsbeware March 5, 2011
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