The act of hiding in a closet/attic/small space so one is not discovered by a girlfriend/parent.
Shit dude, she's home, Anne Frank it in the closet till I can get you outta here.
by nggapls229 March 15, 2009
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A sex position. To do the Anne frank, you must go up into a secret annex or closet of some sort, then have sweaty closet sex while police search for you.
"Maria and I are gonna go shit on a cop car later so we can do the Anne frank"
by Chantheman224 August 6, 2016
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To silently hide in one's room over a long period of time for the purpose of avoiding an awkward situation that would either lead to the cock blocking of a housemate or an unwanted social interaction.
Julia's potential new boyfriend came over yesterday, so Katie was Anne Franking in her room all afternoon.
by UrbanDictionaryAfficionada September 23, 2012
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The act of hiding from anyone: friends, parents, authorities, for an extended period of time.
Shh guys, we're Anne Franking on these bitches.
by Phil Page June 26, 2009
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To hide.
Evade the law and go into hiding.
Cop:That bitch ran off and is probably Anne Franking.
by Roflcopter TCY May 24, 2009
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Verb: The act of residing in someone else's attic.
"Dude, didn't you get kicked out of your house?"
"Yeah, but I'm Anne Frankin' it over at Mike's".
by mr.mcdonut February 4, 2010
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Verb meaning 'Hiding to avoid required participation or attendance'.
We have a mandatory assembly after seventh period, but I'm thinking of just Anne Franking it instead.


In Gym Class, we have to play flag football, but I'm just going to Anne Frank it under the bleachers until the bell.
by Jayson Now March 24, 2013
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