slaves of the superior society know as nerds (along with weebs who are the serfs of the nerd which is even worse). And often live in their own lies to make themselves feel better. They know deep down that they are inferior beings to the nerds and have no chance of ever getting a high status in society or ever succeeding in any part of life other then the consumption of drugs and alcohol, status of being homeless or jobless and obsessives use of abortion. They often come across as nihilistic stop other beings with superior intelligence to decipher their inner insecurity and possibly expose them to another "popular kids". Furthermore, they are Hippocratic and disloyal to their comrades and will mentally bring them down if a fault is found within them. They also often think that they are the superior and rule over the lower class such as "weebs" or "nerds" when infact they are the ones being ruled over by nerds (weebs are the pheasant class and are the worst of the worst and inferior to everything and have no place in society.)In conclusion they are inferior beings who have no place in the higher society and are insecure and will never succeed in life.
A second class being being who portrays to be perfect but infact is a inferior beings. this only applies to infancy. when they reach full maturity or immaturity ( ha ha) they are the pheasant class and part of the lowest of the low along with the weebs.( weebs shall never gain high status they were made to be slaves!). or for those of you who didnt understand.

Person 1 when in school: hey see that guy with fancy cloths and the girl.
person 2 when in school: ya he's one of the popular kids.

person1 in adulthood: hey you that guy with the degusting cloths and the bottle of alcohol.

person 2 in adulthood: ya he use to be a popular kid now hes a pesent.
by Y'all be clapped. February 20, 2021
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An Emophobic piece of Crap with A Bad Donald Trump Tan and A Really Bad Ego
Popular Kid: Emo's are Frickin Stupid and don't Deserve Equal Rights
Me (An Emo Myself) Morphs into A Power Ranger and Kicks the Popular Kid in the Face
Me: EMO RIGHTS!!!!!!
by RawrXDDragonzord2006 November 5, 2023
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pookie is such a popular loner today”
“oh i know shes always so popular yet so lonely
by pookiethepopularloner October 27, 2021
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A person who appears to be popular because of their enormous ego, however doesn’t get invited to many functions and thinks they are the main character.
Andrew: I have so many friends, I’m actually the main character.
Jack: STFU bruh no one likes you, you’re a popular loner.
by CaptainJackDaddy October 3, 2023
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Not being popular

Popular - a useless word for people who wear clothes from expensive brands

Gucci, Louis Vitton, Kenzo, Supreme, Champion
by Lol 2.0 February 26, 2018
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Matt just made up this dumbass word, idk what it means but if someone calls you popularity washed, that’s tuff… i guess?
Matt: bro stop being so popularity washed,
Who gives a fuck, it’s the gym

Gabe: what does that even mean

Noah: popularity washed💀
by Blackman2366 March 31, 2022
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