Thong is when to male guys have oral sex than one guy bends over and the over guy gracefully flicks the other guy who is bending overs ball sack to get erected.
by aswd123 January 27, 2022
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Australian slang word for sandals. Usually insights childish giggles from ignorant foreigners.
My mate wears black thongs to the beach.
by RegrettableEverything October 6, 2023
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According to google, a thong is a sexy pant thingy that has been given to people with big schlongs, but to me, a thong is a thing used for fucking satanic purposes. FUCK THE THONG
Mom: Hey Jimmy, wheres my thong.
Jimmy: It's in my room, but i don't reccomend wearing it.
Mom: Jimmy did you fucking cum in my thong again.
Jimmy: Yes and now i'm gonna cum in that wet ass pussy
by Cowgirl69420 March 7, 2021
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Thong, is when you have bebe and you wear on booty
Max: Yesterday i had bebe now i wear on booty i call it THONG

kenny: Wow! Is that a new invention?

Max: idk dude, maybe.
by bolt148 March 16, 2020
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1. A sexy piece of undergarment or panty which girls wear that shows lots of ass and covers up the vaginal area like a covid mask. Also a stringy panty where you can put a dollar in the band when tipping a stripper at the club.
2. A two piece rubber sandal with a horn near the biggest toe that usually irritates the females foot when walking in them all day long causing irritation fungus and hammer time to their feet.
3. The best covid face mask available that you can make yourself.
Ronnie: damn man dem thongs on that girl like n-n-nasty!!!

Brian: yeah man

Brad: hey look at those thongs did to that girls foot
Yen: I bet it hurts and is irritating

Amb: my boyfriend is gonna be so happy!!
Shellie: why?
Amb: I made him the sexiest Thong to wear to work !!
by Western Tunesmith February 8, 2021
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An Australian slang word for flip-flops. Lots of people get confused
Bro, when your at service station can you buy me a pair of thongs?
by SGS165 April 26, 2022
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A large amorphic creature with the tendencies to define form with small strips of cotton. Elusive and dangerous when it comes to flash photography.
Look she bending over and bobo thong is appearing.
by fuddlebutt August 4, 2004
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