A rod you use to stick up some ones but
Sonny go get the elf rod so we can shove it up ur mother’s ass
by Drogon are da best November 27, 2020
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A lil angry bald man that tends to drink a lot during difficult situation
This guy is an ass munch
Mike is a gross elf
I think that gross elf is drunk again
by Drunken midget January 28, 2014
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A role playing act between an old man and a midget. Commonly done in Southern Romania. Can be penalised if authorities find out.
Old mate dom down the street was telling us at the pub about how he loves doing Santa’s Elf”
by That’s Lesbian August 18, 2022
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Very fast! You must be working fast and hard, just like elves trying to get all of santa's toys made on time!
I can't believed you finished all of your homework already you must have been working elf-paced!
by snufalupogous August 31, 2010
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Someone That is extremely attractive but with elf like features, very fuckable though
A: Daniel is a really hot elf bitch

K: I know I’d do anything to get with him
by Richardramerizbussylice May 24, 2022
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