When you feel so sorry for someone that it makes you feel sick.
Friend 1: My older sister told me that when she was in primary school, she lined up all lunch time by herself to buy a lamington from the bake sale. All the big kids pushed in front of her while she waited patiently with her 20c to buy her lamington. By the time she got to the front of the line all the lamingtons were sold out and lunch was over.

Friend 2: that’s such a lamington moment!
by GregoryGetsTheGirls November 26, 2022
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to "father" a child/children that you are not biologically related to because the woman does not know the birth father or want to be "involved" with the father....and she looks towards another man to claim as the next best thing
friend: hey man you know them kids ain't yours so why do you stay??
You: because I love her
friend: who do you think gone raise all those fucking kids bro?
You: Well dawg...I guess me??
friend: you dumbass mothafucka lol this is a "I Guess me Moment bro"
by K87 November 20, 2009
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When one speaks a thought and immediately regrets it, wishing their mouth had stayed firmly closed whilst being mercilessly mocked.
In the Tough Arms pub...

"WOW This place reminds me of the sixties"...

"Hey guys - let's finish our drinks, go to the park and put daffodils in our hair!!!"

Mirthful scorn and abuse

"Fuck. I just had a no-brain moment..."
by PCPuss May 13, 2009
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wiewur (wiewur) wiewur moment
-wiewur moment?!?!?
by wiewur November 24, 2019
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When Gilgamesh is an anecdote when dubiously chillin'
P1: We're chilling loudly and telling anecdotes
P2: Like Gilgamesh.
P1: Thats a Sean moment if I ever saw one
by weliveinasociety308 June 4, 2022
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This phrase is used whenever anime (loli), or furry content is sent in a discord channel.
Weeb: *sends picture of a loli furry OC*

Epic Gamer: @calb57 moment
by DutchVan derLinde June 2, 2021
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When you log onto Toontown Rewritten and none of your friends are online, besides some random person with a name like Prof. Flappy Fuzzymonkey who you don't talk to and forgot why you even friended.
Man, nobody's on TTR, this sure is a Prof. Flappy Fuzzymonkey Moment.
by Marley556 November 3, 2022
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