1. Infant, or Newborn {in rare cases Fetus} made of urine.

2. Thinking you are pregnant, but it just being a fat load of urine.
Jeff: “Hey!! You said you just got pregnant! When is the first ultrasound?”

Laura:”Nahh. Just a Piss Baby.”
by melodywastaken May 23, 2021
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The thing you call someone when they mute you in discord. It means that they drink piss and act like a baby.
"Since I have Ben muted, yall would tell me if he was calling me a piss baby, right?"
by MCCousins April 21, 2022
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Someone who has a small truck, and emits so-called small truck energy.
"Hey there you little piss baby, you think you're so fucking cool? You think you're so fucking tough, huh? You talk a lot of big game for someone with such a small truck"
by pissergamer007 July 18, 2023
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The act of getting completely bloto and going up to randos and engaging them in conversation.
Let's have another couple of stiff ones before we go to the pub, want to do some serious pissed bothering tonight!
by Shuaman April 14, 2021
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When you need to take a long, satisfying pee you've been holding onto for a long time.

Please note, a monstrous piss is one of the only 2 types of pisses, the other being the 'insurance piss.'
Guy: "Heyo, I see a restroom over there. Hold on, I gotta take a monstrous piss"
Other guy: "Good call, I could use an insurance piss anyway."
by monicaheddneck September 17, 2023
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