A rad phrase used to describe something that is AMAZING!!!!
The grocery store played Touchdown Town Around, it was an electric pop explosion frenzy!!!
by The Beef & V-Shizzle August 15, 2006
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When you immediately sit down on the toilet and your ass explodes like a volcano.
After eating Taco Bell I barely made it to the bathroom with a severe case of lava ass explosion.
by Joey Norris January 4, 2019
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The action of uncontrollable and aggressive projectile diarrhea when traveling, particularly in airports. Can be shortened to "TBE".
"I have a layover in Dallas"
"Sounds like a great opportunity for a Texas Butthole Explosion!"
by SaraSkeeter October 11, 2015
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(listening to Explosions in the Sky, aka Explosions in my Pants)

Guy: Whoah!
Guy2: What's wrong?
Guy: What? um...nothing (looks down)
Guy 2: Dude, don't worry it happens to everyone their first time.
by Zenigma December 13, 2009
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When a group of guys each bust a nut in a girl's mouth until chokes and vomits.
We gave Sarah an Explosion Nut Cake for her birthday, and made her clean up after herself.
by Mark Nolan November 19, 2006
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A musroom explosion is when the the head of a man's genitalia explodes, leaking brownish-red cream.
Dude, when we were upstairs, my mushroom exploded and she drank the cream from it.
by Anthony December 15, 2003
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