a beautiful and skinny canadian girl who can change the life of anyone for the better
by CheekyBastrd88 May 13, 2021
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She is a very good friend and is always there for you she always makes you laugh. If you ever meat a Gracie make sure you keep her and never lose her.
Pussface: wanna be mates

Pissface: sure I am Gracie Lea
by lol Roblox is fun May 9, 2020
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Gracie is the best most beautiful person ever she is so fine, but she could also be a very big liar.
by Jamal the 3rd November 29, 2022
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Is simply a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. Communication is a little slack to start with but once the ball is rolling she can talk for hours. She wears glasses for aesthetic purposes. She is trustworthy and not afraid to put her opinion across even if shes wrong, which is often. She's had to face struggles in her life but nothing can dim her light. Like the ocean she is beautiful to watch; but dangerous to mess with. She is clumsy, a bit of a liability, a little much for everyone at times. can play a musical instrument or two. All in all if you're lucky enough to have a Gracie as a friend, don't be dumb enough to annoy her everyday and scare her away.
Gracie is really special
by Ryder The red dragon November 22, 2021
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A Gracie is what you’d call a girl that you meet, but will probably never see again. Often met at camps, Gracies can really mess a guy up.
“Bro, why’s Joel so depressed?”

“Oh, he just misses that Gracie he met at camp.”
by HowBadCanIBe? August 23, 2018
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