To deficate in an object which hold obtainable item to which a friend eats doggystyle and vomit on woman’s anal cavity and have rough sex until ejaculating in cup and drinking.
I just made a sloppy syrup last night with my girlfriend
by MagicHappens July 22, 2018
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The act of urinating in a woman's ass and then proceeding to drink the urine through a straw
How is it with Alice? Oh things are great last night we made some filipino syrup the other night
by GothSimp69 November 6, 2023
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Maple syrup purchased with the funds obtained from selling used panties online.
I used to only be able to afford Mrs. Buttersworth, but now I’ve got that real maple panty syrup.
by Zaphod_Beeblebrox_ January 20, 2021
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Syrup hands/booty fingers. This happens when you wipe your ass and get doo doo on your fingertips. The smell of syrup is actually doo doo from the last time you Shitted. I’m not a scientist but I’m tell you, what was told by my professor and studies
I have syrup hands, I need to wash my hands ASAP
by Professor . Jackson February 28, 2019
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the weird sticky stuff in Canada that makes your mom cry like when your dad left
pass me that maple syrup

i am in need of that maple syrup because i found out im adopted
-Theo's brother
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a hot non canadian powerhouse with a large dick opposite of gloryburner and or amborz
dude maple syrup is so hot and cool
by not maple syrup January 4, 2022
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