Munging is where you go out with your mates to a grave yard to find a dead human being.
Step.1 Dig up the body
Step.2 Put your mouth over the Vagina or penis

Step.3 get your mate to jump on the dead person

And if these steps are done correctly all the insides of maggots and flouids should come out in to your mouth.

Hey guys lets go munging
by Ice tea men June 13, 2019
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Gurning. When a person's jaw uncontrollably swings, usually due to drugs (such as MDMA) and/or pleasure.
by I'm you hats cousin. October 30, 2019
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Gobbling food like your life depends on it
Walked around the corner to see Davo munging on a Chicko roll
by Lainie :3 March 5, 2022
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When you have taken a lot of bud and then relax and ride the rollercoaster of being high as shit
Ouhh, me and slimdosh went to boarder and smoked then we were munging mate, ill tell ya
by SnakMan June 16, 2019
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When u and a friend goes to a graveyard dig up a body from a freshly dug grave. Have your friend start going down on the dead person. And meanwhile u get up on head stone and elbow drop the dead person in gut the impact will cause all the formaldehyde and stuff shooting in your friend mouth and all over them
Friend A: Hey wanna try something crazy. Friend B: Sure like what? Friend A: It's called munging.
by Joker420Clown March 15, 2022
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