defines the synthetic material world which categorizes all material things created by man such as material wealth etc.
priganic materialism defines all material things made by man, such as material wealth, possessions etc.
by Baron Neville July 6, 2019
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Bring into form.
In 2020 your suggestions on style and color will materialize.
by Tabatha Reynolds January 3, 2020
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When something or someone really pisses you off like beyond your limits.
Wow, Josh is really cunt material”
by relatablemoods1609 June 10, 2022
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Paradigm that elements of feeling (figmas) have a bijective relationship with elements of thought (psychometers) in a closed-system.

The idea that the immune system subjects discrete lines-of-thought to a bending force between supersymmetry and perception-resolution.
In generative materialism your thoughts share a 1-to-1 relationship with elements of your immune system--figmas--such that your immune system bends your elements of thought before they reach perception-resolution (object-grammetry).

Thus; you are meeting elements of your immune system in a drug-induced hallucination.
by metastatic November 22, 2021
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Something and/or someone that can be used to enhance a person's masturbating experience. Common wank materials include vibrators and pornography.
The manager of the company led the two individuals, Joanna and Fredrick, to an interesting grey-walled room, filled with some sort of assorted materials, all different colours stacked neatly on different shelves. A television screen placed right at the back centre of it all, playing what seemed to be animated Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW) content (see "hentai").
"What.. is all this stuff?" Joanna asked, gazing at the colour-assorted items in the room.
The manager put his fists on his hips, looked at the material and proudly exclaims, "These.. are just some examples of our range of wank material! We've got vibrators, lube, copies of famous pornography, you name it! Use it for any sexual desire you both may have~" He lowers his hands and looks at both Joanna and Fredrick with a smirk. "That is, if you both are in a relationship ready to take things further." The manager winks, leaving the two in a state of confusion and embarrassment.
by short_story_examples May 31, 2023
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christian strachian

also a minecraft god
christian is such crackhead material lmao.
by user262705 September 9, 2019
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