The coolest person I know. Very handsome and funny. He is so talented. I love listening to his beautiful voice while he sings and him playing guitar is even cooler. I´m glad I met Erik. He once said "It is better to be crazy, than be crazy in love."

But I am crazy in love with him.
-Who is that handsome man?
-That´s Erik.
by dxndls May 19, 2023
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Erik the future of somethinghe knows nothing about
Erik has no excuses
by January 24, 2021
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Erik is know to be on top of the math class and is currently a top 20 student in the world due to his immense knowledge regarding crocodille symbols.

P.S He goes to oxford university (went to the international bacca before and left with strait 7s).
Wow he solved those math equations so fast! I bet it's Erik.
by Sondre Fleck-Baustian January 14, 2020
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Erik is your dream prince charming. He has the good looks and an even better heart to go along with it. He is kind, caring, and loving. He will do anything in his power to make and keep you happy. Erik carries a calming, zen presence yet he always cheers up the room. Everywhere he goes people love his energy and always leaves the place better than he found it. I am so lucky to love and have an Erik in my life.
by Anidene November 23, 2021
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crackhead in chs; has good memes; kinda funny sometimes; is never at school; soft boi in denial; might be good at soccer???; a local
person #1: oh look! its erik.
person #2: imma fade his goofy ass on sight bro
by lilyayayay November 7, 2018
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Person: hey erik.
Erik: fuck you.
Person: woah, that's rude.
Erik: eat shit
by Eh/rick November 24, 2021
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