An industry plant that is correctly identified as such, in most cases never getting enough attention to be accepted by the public because of their shitty music. Often found outside of its natural habitat (Los Angeles) classifying this type of plant as an invasive species.
There’s too many industry weeds in my backyard!
by Iamnotajackolantern October 5, 2023
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when somebody's existence is based on increasing their profile in their industry and appearing as an expert but they are not that good at what they do (please edit this description)
He's industry famous but he never really made anything that the public was in to.
by DM412 November 16, 2017
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The mistake of man kind. One which brought us away from true “Ooga-booga” to “Ahem actually…”
The Industrial Revolution was truly a mistake for human kind.
by AMMOMO April 25, 2024
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The commonly occuring problem in a factory made product. Antonyms; Idustrial Strength Synonyms; Deffect.
by Hallidayy June 24, 2010
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A fraternal friend group of five chads that produces comics: Prox, Tqr, S00cuk, Marco, Niv.
Bro, have you seen the new comic from the Commune of Comics Industries (CCI)
No, I haven't,
Dude, you're missing out man.
by flameyTN August 17, 2023
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the music industry is a word to describe something someone that is amazing, beautiful, brave, brilliant, calm, caring, charming, compassionate, confident, creative, delightful, determined, energetic, enthusiastic, friendly, generous, gentle, grateful, happy, honest, humble, inspiring, intelligent, joyful, kind, loyal, motivated, optimistic, passionate, patient, positive, reliable, respectful, sincere, supportive, thoughtful, trustworthy, understanding, unique, valuable, vibrant, wise, witty, excellent, youthful, zealous, accomplished, adaptable, cheerful. A.K.A TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT. F U KANYE
by charli_taylorsversion October 21, 2023
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stranger: hey whats the music industry?

smartie: * you belong with me starts playing *
by deecothedino May 20, 2022
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