Rick Rolling, but instead of Never gonna give you up, it's the rocks part in face off
Person 1: Sends a link to person 2
Person 2: opens the link
"It's about drive, it's about power"
Person 1: You just got rock-rolled
by Default jesus December 26, 2022
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To get rock rolled is similar to being rick rolled. The difference being Instead of “ Never Gonna Give you up” playing, its Dwayne the Rock Johnson singing “ Face up”. But not just any lyric specifically this verse “ It's about drive, it's about power-We stay hungry, we devour-Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours”
OOOHHH mannn i thought i was going to see some boobs but i totally got rock rolled hahaha”
by Cex Offender November 3, 2021
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An easy way to count the weight on a fat person.
1: Wow she's fat... how much do you think she weighs?

2: I'm not sure... let's count the hoho rolls.
by Plokmju March 6, 2016
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A line of mums and pushchairs usually moving at the pace of the slowest toddler whilst completely blocking the pavement with complete disregard for other pedestrians.

Usually seen during the school run, such mums are usually having conversations about how trollied they got on Jägerbombs the night before, or how Kiyanne is a lazy bastard who needs to get a job.
"Sorry I'm late for work, I got stuck behind a Rolling Mumblock"
by Working Mum October 12, 2019
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A combination of cartwheels and somersaults at high velocity whilst spraying shit within the fecal zone.
Girl:"Omg! What's that guy doing??"

Dude:"He's monkey rolling"

Girl2:"Oh my God I got sprayed by something."

Dude:"I would definitely suggest spitting and not swallowing on this one."
by CockAdoodleDoo!! December 9, 2016
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A very fat animal, typically dogs or cats but it can be any creature
Guy: Bro look at that Bausage roll
Dude: the f●@k is that
Guy: a really fat animal
by 50Pboc December 6, 2022
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One sticks their toes in another's nose while continuously rolling to clean it out.
Man, I'm so stuffed up right now...I could really use a bulldozer roll.
by Bulldozerroller November 21, 2009
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