something very minor that might have if you are a person in a orange jumpsuit with cool shoes and a gun that shoots portals, also if you name is Chell.
Wheatley: Now it's not out of the question that you MIIIIIIIIIIGHT have a VERY minor case of SERIOUS BRAIN DAMAGE.
Player: *jumps*
by WantYouGone September 6, 2023
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Someone who is only looking for a piece of ass to use and emotional support from the person without defining the relationship
friend #1: I've been dating a guy and we've become super close these days. But he doesn't want a relationship.
friend #2: Oh, so he's a serious fuck boy.
by sunnio October 9, 2020
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(n): A person who is always acting silly and/or crazy, but is serious about being silly and/or crazy.

(n): A big mistake
John is always acting like a fool but he'll snap if you ruin his fun; he's a serious goof .

Locking your keys in your car is a serious goof.
by Still_Kicking March 12, 2016
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the complete opposite of a silly billy
at first, I was a silly Billy, but now, I'm a serious billy
by ayochadbeat August 5, 2023
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Sexual intercourse that lasts longer that four hours
Oliver: Dude, yesterday Sarah and I were planning some serious bones for the evening, so I popped 4 Viagra. It still hasn't gone down.
Harold: Maybe you should go talk to your doctor about that.
by Oceaninto January 6, 2017
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A matter of fact. No shit. No kidding. For real. Duh.
some lady just told me that I have a sexy telephone voice

seriously 'der
by 3.14 December 1, 2003
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A play on words of 'Curious George' which is a person that ruins an intended joke or light hearted comment by being too serious.
Joker: "Ha ha, when that kid rides by on his bike, you should throw a stick in his spokes."
Buddy: "That's not very cool, they could get hurt."
Joker: "...way to kill the mood, Serious George."
by Bearded Fist September 21, 2013
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