an audible release of air from the vagina, typically during or after sex.
Synonyms: queef /kwēf/, Pussy Fart
The usage and subsequent rise in popularity of this first began in Cebu Philippines until it where an Immigrant brought the term to an Arby's in Davenport Iowa. The term is so perfect, it spread through the Arby's staff and took Davenport and the whole Quad Cities by Strom in 2023.

Some people say it is vulgarly poetic, it's the perfect definition of LeBron James. The origin of the phrase in Cebu Philippines is supposed to have started with a young tattoo artist named Rap Tenchevez Larumbe.
I went down on Kirstyn Plett Guerrero and she LeBroned in my mouth!
by SALLY SAMPSON August 8, 2023
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LeBron is someone beautiful and unique, an awesome creature an amazing human LeBron is everything
Kelly: I met a guy named LeBron and he asked me out
Mary : you have to date him, I mean he is LeBron he is unique
by Meliw it's here January 4, 2021
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LeBron is a cute, handsome, and wonderful to hang around! He is very popular in the school! He sometimes gets in trouble but he can learn for his mistakes. LeBron can pull anyone but won’t cheat! LeBron loves to play sports such as basketball, and football! LeBron is someone u want to hang around!
girl 1: Hey did u hear ab LeBron

girl 2: yesssss
by LeBron Royal (love) February 15, 2020
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When your penis is so small and their nostrils are so large you can fully insert your penis in their nostril, blow a load in their sinus cavity and it comes out the other nostril
I gave my girlfriend an Angry LeBron last night
by Bumpy April 23, 2021
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November 12th is a day that no matter what you can’t post LeBron that day or it violates the day.
“Dude are you making a post about LeBron?”

Yeah why?”

“It’s National Don’t Post LeBron Day dude you can’t!”

“Oh shit my bad bro.”
by chiefhub November 2, 2021
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People who speak English, but every time they do so, it's in favor of the Chinese Communist Party.
"Did you see fake president Joe Biden's press conference?"

"Yes, he was speaking Lebronics the whole time, reading it off a cheat sheet."
by imyourmoderator March 27, 2021
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Lebron Shanquiqui is your ordinary black male from Detroit and currently lives in Ohio. He also sticks corn husks up his butt hole and likes to flash elderly people his rectum at the care home. He once shoved a full microwave in his rectum and had to get it surgically removed, he has 12 toenails and his butt hair goes down to his toes and he now has the nickname the horse man because of his long tail, he often braids it and brushes it. He sucks at Fortnite and only has 2 solo wins and shits on toilet seats at taco bell and leaves it. He throws poop at monkeys and he currently has a his dick stuck in a peanut butter jar full of dry cement and cant get it out. He drives a dingus mobile and works at McDonalds, he loves playing roblox with his grandma and his grandma is on life support and is a CoD professional. Lebron also has been to jail 12 times for home invasions. He loves playing human centipede with his family and eats dry rice.
Lebron Shanquiqui is my best friend.
by MirmulnirLMH August 13, 2023
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