A kid that goes bar down on tendys like its his day job, he's the life of the party and is generally associated with banging hot sloots named Victoria or vicky and love to take chicks to pound town
(Bob)"Man your a cullen b!"

(Gerry)" thanks bruh"
by Edward cullen69 November 10, 2014
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A soccer kid that I sit behind in class but sinence he is emo and a cookie run Kingdom fan AND a dangonnaronopa fan he doesn't like to touch grass and he is in 4th grade and he has a friend named Brayden Ellis. They both like math they are mid.
by Shawn😻 January 12, 2022
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put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it
"the computer had ben cullenized by a brutal being"
by Brownspot03 August 16, 2022
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To Cullen/Cullening (Verb)

To act like Cullen: rage quit, act like a cry-baby, be annoying, want to argue, like arguments, want to make people go and be mad and angry, act goofy, be totally irrelevant.
Person1: "Nah famalam! Bohumír is cullening again, what a bozo."
by Wordomir August 15, 2023
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The invocation of an autonomic sexual response via mention of a fictional bloodsucker.
Bro 1: Dude, did you check out that piece in Seventeen magazine? The Twilight expose?

Bro 2: Yo that shit was like mad cullening! I had to walk all hunchback out of my dentist's to keep my dignity.
by chironfrost April 24, 2014
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a kid who likes hp st twilight and marvel ;-;
cullen..bae likes hp, st, twilight, and marvel movies
by hiotaro April 15, 2021
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