Sexiest, beast in the history of sexy beasts.
That boy is a sexy beast, must be Connor.
by SEXYBEAST9669 August 26, 2017
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Connor is an amazing person with a bright future! He loves music and loves spending time with his brothers and sisters & family! He's a handsome brunette with dreamy brown and occasionally hazel eyes. He is very insecure and shy until you get to really know him. He will be there for you whenever you need him, and puts his friends and families priorities before his own. His personality will make you want to be around him 24/7. He knows how to make a conversation good and long lasting. He's a great guy to date because he can be your best friend and boyfriend. He loves just about any type of music. And is very artistic and musical himself! Connor has a soft side and a very sweet side that only the luckiest people get to see. He's very attractive and has a great body! He will fall for the perfect girl and give her the world! He's a very loyal person. If you ever get to meet a Connor then you are one lucky person!
girl 1: "did you see that amazing sweet and cute guy at the party?"
girl 2: "oh yea I know him! That's Connor!"
girl 1: "you know him?"
girl 2: "year"
girl 1: "wow you're lucky!!!"
girl 2: "i know"
by reesecup July 19, 2014
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The Connor is a sex position. It is performed by a male inserting his penis in another males ear hole.
"duuuuuuuuuuude my man did The Connor on me last night"
by LINDA GYPSY LADY June 26, 2008
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Hot. He's a 'gunna grab yo girl' type of guy, and with a face like connors normally have, he totally will get your girl. Connors are normally brunets and do some sort of sport. They'll make you jealous you were ever named something else.
Girl 1: Damn who is that?
Girl 2: Ohh that's Connor
Girl 1: Is he single?
Girl 2: Yeah but not for long!
by lilypad99 October 9, 2013
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connor is the most loving boy in the world. you look at his eyes and just want to be with him. most girls find it hard to tell him how they really feel. he is short funny and cute. really easy to talk to and just an overall amazing guy. he only goes for some girls some most wish to be the one.
connor hey there I love you a lot like a lot a lot
by babbbyyy. July 13, 2015
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A sex toy used for inserting in the ass.
Or a slang word for Ass dildo
my bf used a connor on me last night!
by finatu March 22, 2006
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a big, sloppy, wet, thick, juicy dick
Jemima: hey Dave your cock is so good its what we girls call a connor!

Dave: bitch i don't know you
by morgz mum February 16, 2019
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