searching for a small penis in a large amount of pubic hair
girl 1: "hey, how'd it go with Alex?"

girl 2: "Meh, not good, when we got down to business, i ended up fishing for the one-eyed trouser trout for like an hour!"
by zabuma February 17, 2009
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Is a phrase that has become popular after somebody posted on MLIA ( about translating the phrase "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!" to French and back again, and coming up with "Teller of untruths, your trousers have combusted"
by Somebody_Else October 26, 2009
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When a person (usually a teenager) shits their pants in a watery and explosive manner to escape a drug test appointed by his or her parent or legal guardian changing the color of said person's pants and floor causing a literal shit storm
When my parents pulled out that drug test I knew I was fucked and had no choice but to use The Yung Buddah Brown Trouser Shower Diversion
by fangirlshitstank May 24, 2020
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when your trousers are so tight you can see whether the person in question is circumcised
your trousers are so tight i can tell your religion
by petunia :- clements December 27, 2016
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were a boy that tends to have a really fucking annoying selfie face wears the same trousers for atleast 4 weeks in a row.
boy : you know finn he is a same trousers
by oafandahalf April 7, 2016
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