A mere facade of society. Simply an opinion of sorts, no proper meaning. Basically an average.
Normal; what people are used to, basically declaring what they're not used to as strange.

Heteronormativity, I guess heteronormativity exists just because it's what people have been used to.
by Birdie-Bird December 17, 2017
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a sane person who does nothing weird
Elliott is very normal
by egg429857 September 14, 2022
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No one. Keira is especially not normal.
Normal is bad u Gaylord!
by Alan SugarTrader November 29, 2019
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Something people made up to make a social construct
Aka another thing that should be abolished
"they are so normal." "Don't call people "normal" it's not a thing."
by Depressed_weird_teen November 25, 2021
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There are many, many definitions for this word. Being "normal" can be seen in both a positive and negative light. Some people want to stand out, others are just different and wish they were the same.
Countryside kid: "Normal" is living in the suburbs.

Loner: "Normal" is having your friends' phone numbers, or friends at all really.

Scenester: "Normal" is liking trite and unoriginal things.

Memelord: "Normal" is having a bland sense of humor.

Incel: "Normal" is being attractive, having a spouse and even family.

Quirky Girl: "Normal" is liking makeup and Instagram.

Redditor: "Normal" is liking Fortnite and TikTok.

Depressive: "Normal" is being able to wake up every day feeling decent and... not empty.

Nerd: "Normal" is slacking off and not caring much about where you're heading.

So on...
by streetshad0ws August 14, 2021
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Social construct

In a society in which socially constructed ideals decide upon your entire life, being normal is a privilege.
„Being gay isn’t normal“

- Yes it is. Only the socially constructed ideals of our society don’t intend us to be anything other than heterosexual.

„Wearing too much black makes you a depressive person“

- No it doesn’t, your clothes are a way to express yourself, it’s your personal freedom. It doesn’t make you anything that you don’t want to be. It only labels you for people of limited intelligence.
by Nobo July 30, 2020
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