An Alex Chiesa is someone who wears cuffed pants, his hair parted down the middle, tries to skate but is really shit, and probably has a wiener dog named Apache.
Hey Alex Chiesa, why is your hair like that?
by imjustabot April 23, 2019
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an amazing guy who is usually shorter than his girlfriend. he has great taste in music and cars, but only seems to wear adidas. he will most likely be found in whoville.
wow, did you see alex afrasiabipour over there?

yeah, he was walking to his house in whoville.
by grackers May 8, 2021
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Alex Phillips is a very sexy human being with an unlimited amount of friends,top ones mostly going by the name of Ashley,Dylan,Liam,Liz etc
Alex (from cymmer) is looking fine today next to that very short ffion
by Defo not Dylan January 18, 2022
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Alex ezell is a human
Alex ezell is a human that is the kind of person you be to be by so if you don’t want to be a dick go by Alex ezell
by October 4, 2018
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When the tip of you dick gets stuck in your bellybutton
My cock flew so high

it gave me a hot alex
by The nigotron42069 March 18, 2022
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Someone who eats strictly earl grey chocorant cake like it's nobody's business. They most likely have a YouTube channel with at least one hit song on Spotify but will never admit to their success. To be called an Alex Milo is considered a compliment and an insult at the same time, because who in their right mind would want to be an Alex Milo? Alex Milo of course. In conclusion, being an Alex Milo means never being accepted by Chinese mom's due to the amount of tattoos exposed while wearing highly functional street techwear and always having an extra camera lens in your 56th pocket of your arteryx veilance jacket because every moment is a Kodak moment.
Girl: I love my Alex Milo but my mom hates him
Friend: it's because of his tattoos right? Same here
by Some1 who loves alex November 22, 2021
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