Including casting of People of Color in a piece of media so that any criticism of the work can be blamed on "racism"
"These racists are hating on Rings of Power!"
"Nah, Amazon's just race-shielding. That show is trash."
by NoDoubleThink,Thanks September 8, 2022
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1. To immediately blame the nearest, most blamable thing for something/a situation when the real thing to blame is yourself.

This is most common with parents and leaders/people in places of power in establishments/companies, sometimes in governments.
Once, a kid got sick from second-hand smoking, and his parents (who were heavy smokers) blame shielded and blamed the kid's phone and the internet.
by Other_Person June 18, 2020
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Someone who sheilds themself from oppurtunies of getting some poontang making themself poons
Dean stop shielding the poon

stop being such a poon shield u poon

by fRRRb66 February 25, 2009
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An overlapping field of fire set up for multiple anti air units to support each other.
We have to set up an AA shield from the East side of the map to the West side.
by CrashArtemis January 26, 2017
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