murdering bastards that will kill your whole family without mercy, using a flaming fireball of death and screaming kamehaheha! THEY CAN EVEN SEE JOHN CENA!!!!!! NO ONE IS SAFE!
help, CAT IS HERE!
by sigma chad rizzler August 21, 2022
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An alert and graceful animal, usually a domesticated member of the Felidae (cat) family, characterized by its sleek, slender body, four legs, and long tail. It is known for its intelligence, agility, and affectionate nature.
by cavstock February 28, 2023
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Samatha: Yo, Jordan like my pussy cat?(hehe)

Jordan: Yooo, your mad dirty !!
by PeW pEw 🔫 September 7, 2019
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it go meow and,,, it cool and cute ehhehem meowwwww
-wow cat
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A magical being used to bring rainbows to earth
Lets all pray to the cat so we can get more rainbows
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May seem like a devil in a fur coat trying to kill the human race,but any cat owner knows that once the cat gets a bond with you,its an unbreakable relationship.
Dog owner:cats are so rude!they are just devils in a fur coat trying to kill the human race!

Cat owner:No!!!once you get a bond,its an unbreakable relationship
by The_Blue_AngelUwU January 13, 2020
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they have 2 goals.
1. kill human
2. take over the world
- I wanna kill my human. Lets use my paws! >:)
- whoa. my cat wants to kill me. Helpppppppppp.
by kittypapaboy February 15, 2023
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