The range at which feces can be thrown with one's own power
"fuck you"
"you sure talk a lot of shit for someone in turd range"
by turd thrower February 15, 2021
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When someone makes you their little bitch at the shooting range!
Did you see Kyle's target at the range compared to Madeline's? Kyle was definitely his Range Daddy!
by BearCop December 16, 2020
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A metaphoric series steep granite ridges running southwest - northeast at 4800 - 5400 ft. elevations, punctuated by the 1700 ft.-deep / 3 1/2 mile long Lather Puppy Canyon, constituting the headwaters of the Recall River Valley. Used for a discreet reference to an unspecified locus of rehabilitation, retreat, solace, or transformation.
Placebo returned refreshed and restored following hir time up in the Ionesta Range.
by Brother Hinoh April 16, 2011
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When Karen is on the loose ready to strike .

Karen is traveling and ready to get angry at anybody in her path.

She is free range care and shopping getting angry with the help.
Free range Karen is unleashed and unhinged.
I feel sorry for the people at the resort she is a free range Karen.

Watch out free range Karen is on vacation.
by Brickell Bob July 24, 2022
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A sexual reference, originally relating to cowgirl, reverse cowgirl or standing cowgirl. In a universal sense, it could relate to any form of intercourse Also could define a long-extended period of sexual intercourse.
Jennifer wanted to ride the range with Kenny.

Despite his hinting, but Hope never wanted to ride the range with Calvin
After three hours riding the range, Jo was noticeably exhausted.
by FuzzBuzz July 1, 2020
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When the receiver during double penetration sex realizes there is another
Person 1: Yo I got the biggest dirty rang yesterday

Person 2: I know, I gave it to you.

Person 1: what
by myppsmall November 22, 2021
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