group of 4 teenage girls, (preppy brats), who take a small squirtgun game way to seriously. Must seriously be taken down. DOWN WITH THE QUAD!! :p
The quad is made of Kristie, Alexis, Liz, and Lindsay. Down with the Quad. Those girls need to chill the fuck out.
by DownWithTheQuad May 22, 2012
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A person who's sexual preference involves Males, Females, 4th dimensional beings and underages automobiles.
"Yo did you see that chick screwing that Toyota just then?"

"Yeah I have also seen her messing with 4 th dimensional beings."

"Huh, she might just be Quad-sexual"
by Blowboy6969420xD June 6, 2017
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Look, there is a quad rider, wonder what he is riding?
by Ayo it’s joe February 24, 2021
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To doggy fuck someone on all fours so ferociously they start to move
Alex quad biked Vicky so much she almost fell down the stairs
by tsidnfkcjed March 25, 2016
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When you have the ability to roll weed 4 different ways. You must master 2 methods and be decent in the other 2 methods at the least. Takes much time, skill, and practice.
Guy 1: yo how u wanna roll it up? What u got?
Guy 2: shit I mean I’m Quad-smokexual so I got the blunts, papers, hemp cbd wraps, and lettuce papers so it’s whatever. take your pick
by Johnnybravo66 November 28, 2017
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Someone 4 times more gay than your normal gay person
Louie came out as a quad gay yesterday
by HentaiLover420 January 29, 2021
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To quad; when one drinks alcohol, smokes marijuana, smokes cigarettes, and hits vape all in one night and proceeds to get fucked up.
“Dude, I totally quaded last night. I don’t remember what happened
by carlbrosneezer November 5, 2020
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