When someone promises to be somewhere at a certain time, but shows up (if they show up at all) 3 hours later because they were either taking a nap, shit, smoking marijuana, laying on the bed or just in general lazy.
"I'll meet you at 8 pm"
*shows up at 11.30 pm*
"Guys sorry, I had to take a little nap, I was dying for Pete's sake! This is such a Henry Moment"
by KulliSatula August 18, 2021
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the hottest guy on earth if you like him back off please he is already mine (im joking)anyways he is an english very attractive actor and you are lucky to search him up.
hi im y/n cavill and henry cavill is my husband
by bjnjnj v December 31, 2021
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adj. - one who manages to actually find the vagina with their penis. Such a person might be called "Henry the Navigator" for the accomplishment of finding said vagina without a map.

Can be put as a status on various social websites after having intercourse.
"You have accomplished feats unfound by Henry the Navigator himself."

"Dude, way to 'Henry' your way in there!"
by conair360 February 15, 2010
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To masturbate vigorously during break at work/school/party in the bathroom/closet.
(Talking to a friend)
Man i was just taking a dump and the guy in the next stall was pulling a henry
by killemallandletgodsortemout August 23, 2009
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From the Pussy, to the Ass, to the Mouth
Sally was so drunk, she let Tyrone give her The Amanda Henry
by TheMexicanRadio August 3, 2010
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The best actor of all time. He’s gorgeous from head to toe,talented,charitable, close with his family,loves kids, has stunning eyes that make you knees weak. When you see him smile all you want to do is smile and wish he’d look that way at you. He has a good sense of humor and has the deepest manly voice that would intimidate and make you whip your head around to see where that sexy voice came from.
Me: Who the hell is that? (Insert Heart Eyes)
My friend: Oh that is Henry Cavill. He’s the best looking guy I’ve ever seen and did you see taking pictures with those kids.
Me: I’m in love...(ovaries explode)
by HellooOoOoMr.Cavill January 5, 2019
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The act of unwilling anal intercourse while your partner is vomiting into a toilet due to excessive alcohol consumption.
I can't believe he gave her The Dirty Henry
by bigtimers April 4, 2014
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