The most undesirable of the Disney princesses, Beauty (or Belle) loves reading and being a pretentious bitch. She also loves beastiality and has a strange fetish for French candelabras which tends to manifest itself during her frequent acid trips. On top of being given the worst and least memorable songs, she ends up with "The Beast", cementing the fact that she has an out of control sex drive and is a feminist. Just to add to this unfortunate excuse for a "princess", her animators also gave her the most realistic tits/ass/waist ratio. Her name is meant to be ironic, as hipsters were largely responsible for the scripting.
GASTON: "Yo, Belle, my dick is huge, wanta peek?"
BEAUTY: "Not tonight, the Beast and I are drinking some absinthe and discussing women's rights with the mop."
by LievTolstoy69 November 5, 2010
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It comes from the inside. As Roald Dahl wrote, "Beauty shines through the face like sunbeams" TEENAGE GIRLS STOP WASTING MAKEUP YOU DON'T NEED IT!!!!
The kind girl smiled and her beauty shone through our face
by Beauti Kat February 28, 2016
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You are very beautiful.
by Fightmekid June 25, 2016
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1. A slave to vanity

2. A being or person so ensnared by looks or vanity that they suffer obsessions with such

3. A person pleasing in looks that has thusly given themselves up to the sways and needs of vanity in return for false beauty

4. Someone who climbs the social ladder and/or gains power by means of looks

{seealso:} someone who is often surrounded by cheshires
by push.tyber March 19, 2005
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A positive word that expresses your enthusiasm.You can use when addressing a friend or talking about an action or object. It can also be acknowledged as a subsitute for "Thanks."
"I got an A on the test!"

"Your jeans are done washing."
by Sicily Isaac June 13, 2005
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Ruth. She is very beautiful <3
Ruth is beautiful
by HerpDerp123321 June 16, 2013
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