The act of going from one garage sale to the next, to the next, to the next, and so on and so forth. Taking a day or a weekend or a few hours to desperately search for other people’s junk.
Me and Fred are going garage sailing this weekend you should join us, we’re too broke to go to the store....
by Descriptiongiver101 August 16, 2019
The invisible monster that lives in your garage, usually under the car, that eats dropped screws, sockets, irreplaceable hardware, valvelocks, etc when dropped on the floor and not located immediately. 10mm sockets in particular are a delicacy.
Damn it, I just dropped my last 10mm socket. I better find it before the garage floor monster gets it.
by February 25, 2023
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When people try to make a profit off of objects/junk they never bought themselves.
Person 1: (hangs up sign for garage sale)
Person 2: I'd better get out of here, this is starting to look like a Garage Sale
by Shuastereno May 14, 2012
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Badly prolapsed asshole. I mean... they are all bad. So... worse?
Let's put it in the garage sale.

I got it from a garage sale.
Your mom loves garage sales. So does my dad.
by penis exhalation October 19, 2019
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A really bad fall in skiing when you lose all your equipment. Used often in Whistler.
Oh dude. Are you ok? You lost your ski, poles, gloves and toque. That was a garage sale.
by WhistlerBum September 27, 2020
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a sale at some1's garage selling old junk for only a penny each
I went to a garage sale yesterday and got a beat up bike for only a penny!
by Jenerator August 31, 2003
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a blunt of marijuana made of roaches/ left over weed.
Save that roach so we can make a garage blunt later.
by Xam629 February 21, 2009
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