The furry fandom is a fandom consisting out of scum and fetishists that have chosen to give up their humanity. They dress up in “fursuits” and a phenomenon known as “cub porn” which is practically child porn but according to furries it’s fine because it’s an animal. They engage is bestiality which is pretty disgusting. They claim that their nemesis, the anti-furry movement is ignorant because “anti-furries don’t spend time researching the fandom and seeing it’s great”. This is the thing that actually makes the furries ignorant since they don’t seem to realize that a lot of anti-furries have, in fact researched the fandom.
Furry: oWo I’m a furry and I want to fuck animals
Regular fucking person: wtf
by Sacrificial plant May 19, 2019
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Disgusting little brats that kicked ur sand castle when u where five and now u wish to destroy them
by Charizardwizard130 September 21, 2020
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The cancer of this earth

They like yiffing
Woah dude, look at that furry over there! Let’s go bully it.
by Prince Precum July 13, 2020
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Man: Hey im a furry
Docter: Your going too an insane asylum
by KDNetwork March 14, 2021
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A handful of people who roleplay animals that walk, talk, and think. Also known as furres. Commonly seen on an MMORPG called Furcadia. Contrary to popular belief, not all of them worship anime (I HATE IT).Some of them also use guns in roleplay. There are two seperate groups, Middle Ages and Bullet Ages, not going by those names. Middle Ages use swords and sorcery and all that, but Bullet Ages use all the guns here and all in advance. I honestly prefer Bullet Ages because of the open-mindedness. See roleplay .
A furrie is a person who roleplays an animal that can walk and talk.
by Erin Wolf The Werewolf December 24, 2003
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A sinner against god
They dress like animals upon gods earth, and then they fuck. They go to their degenerate conventions in order to "Yiff", truly when armageddon comes, they will be the first to go.
"'If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal." Leviticus 20:15
“‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’" Deuteronomy 27:21
“Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death." Exodus 22:19
(all quotes relate to the furry community)
by twlightisagoodmovie September 3, 2019
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Being a furry is a mental illness that makes you think animals are attractive, typically someone with this mental illness would dress up as a dog or other animal and fuck someone else in an animal outfit
“Oh shit here comes a furry, quickly load the gun!”
by Terminaes June 24, 2018
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