A hard working hustler who knows when an opp is tryna line him and How to crash an opp whip and hop out before the damage is realized by said opp
A inactive driver who is a straight shooter when he truly believes in something or someone
Yo son skrrrrrrrrrr powed the whip and finessed the opp like it was nothing
by Da Bishop April 25, 2022
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Simply means thunder then lightning as said by a young son to his father during a storm.
A man I think the world of, Budroe, will always remember holding his son during storms. Picture how cute it is to hear “boom boom pow pow” from your best buddy.
by BB29576 October 10, 2022
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Simply means thunder then lightning as said by a young son to his father during a storm.
A man I think the world of, Budroe, will always remember holding his son during storms. Picture how cute it is to hear “boom boom pow pow” from your best buddy.
by BB29576 October 10, 2022
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A father is holding his young son as tightly as possible during an approaching storm. With each crack of thunder and lightning, knowing he’s safe and sound, the boy looks into his father’s eyes and softly says “boom boom pow pow.”
by budroesfriendbarry October 16, 2022
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It is the epitome of being excited about something spectacular and is sometimes used as a war cry.
I hear that bubbas got a ton of beer and having a party... "whom pow lets get to it and have us a good'n !!!"
by todd7072 February 7, 2011
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Giving someone a greasy handshake, whether it is from nervousness or straight from hardwork.
Marquis walked about Rashell and gently gave her a greasy pow and he then turned around embarrased.
by Bailey R. March 1, 2007
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referring to ones self when they are required to give a nickname and must think of one on the spot. currently the nickname of one person, Raina.
"Whats your nickname Raina?"
"Uhhhhh Ray Ray Rajay Pa Pow?"
by Ray Ray Rajay Pa Pow March 9, 2018
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