Brady is madis bf. Madi LOVES brady so much and thinks Brady is the funniest, cutest, hottest, prettiest, kindest, sweetest most adorable person ever. she doesnt and wouldnt ever want anybody else because brady is absolutely perfect his green eyes, his long eyelashes, his shiny smile, his laugh, everything about him is everything madi could ever want
Person 1: omg madis bf is so cute

Person 2: yea ikr
madi: hes mine hahahhahahahaha
by madiph0bic November 22, 2021
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Team Madi is an amazing family, we look after each other, the Madi vlog and Grace are the tiktok mums/sisters or whatever you want to call them. Its a safe place to be yourself and not get judged.
by Amyc005 January 17, 2021
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A really sassy ass girl who is also really pretty, smart and well spoken. If a madi doesnt like you then your pretty much going to be taking shit from her for as long as your in her periferal vision, but if she does like you then she well eventually go to prom with you. This is a fact
Wow she really told you off!, what did you do?
Nothing its just madi stapleton

Who could i ask to help me with feminist studies?
Idk try a madi
by Slothinator666 April 2, 2015
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A person who is amazing but queer. A madi wright will shag anyone especially her scissor sisters
You’re so the madi wright of this group
by Mynameisoli May 27, 2019
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Sharkies are the most underrated fandom ever! They deserve more views and deserve to be viral. There is not even one Sharkie that hate on other fandoms they deserve more views and more followers on anything. They deserve the world if you are a sharkie I love you!
It is a reason why you should love Sharkies they are the nicest fandom and deserve rights like dunkins,sunraes,Bebes,bubs,huddy gang,arianators and etc. Madis Sharkies are the best :3!
by I love fps!! June 2, 2021
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A Madie is a caring person who loves to spend time with her amazing friends. A Madie is sure to call out injustice, probably using phrases she learns from watching beauty gurus and throwing massive shade. She can be goofy and quirky but don’t get it twisted because she’s super smart too.
Hey best fran! Ur such a Madie
by muchluv9138 May 5, 2018
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she juuls a lot she has blue stripes in her hair with bangs duh, she is very stupid and she is a bully
damn she’s such a bully she must be a madie
by gangganghEhE November 5, 2019
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