When one does an act of sheer goodness, does a good favour for another person.
You're picking us up from Birdie's? That's championism!
by Adam Poole September 20, 2003
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The goal of Apex Legends, to become The Champion.
Equivalent to getting a Victory Royale but given as a title instead resulting in becoming the main target in the next match.
Guy: Let's go! We're The Champions!
*Next match starts*
Guy: Oh shoot we're The Champion Squad, let's get it!
Dude: Alright now we HAVE to win.
by Wammyve March 31, 2022
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A Want To Be BadAss Who's Controlling Over Situations And People He Has No Right Over . Gets Mad When It's Not His Way, And Believes Everything He Makes Up I'm His Head... DONT BE A BETO!!
by blank heart November 13, 2022
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When someone gets so drunk that a blood vessel in their eye bursts, causing the entire white of their eye to flood with blood.
Bro did you see Jamie?
Nah man what happened?
She got totally wasted last night and got champion eye!!
Holy crap! Can she even see anymore?
by Xtrasupernova December 6, 2016
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The first school boy in his year to attempt to attract girls by altering the style/ colour of his hair. Normally resulting in looking ridiculous however the majority of the boys copy him in belief that it may be their only chance.
In the dinning room at school. Gilmour enters with new haircut.

'Whoa - Look at Gilmours hair'

'He's such a haircut champion'
by SuburbanDan November 22, 2011
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very well done, very good, top shelf, great, etc.
the pasta we ate for dinner last night was champion-good! it had a nice texture and a rich taste
by H-Dawg87 August 17, 2007
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Made from the meme and horrible company name "B.J. Champion". If someone says your mom has a champion van, basically they're calling your mom a cock-sucker. This also can apply to anyone who is not your mother.
Student: "Mrs. Woods, do you drive a champion van?"

Teacher: "What?"

by Definition Sensei January 29, 2016
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