Yeah that's something I saw some indian guy touch on that claim that it was bullshit. The immigrants already have some measure of success and are brought over here for that reason.
Hym "That sounds like a model minority thing and now evidence that what you're saying is correct."
by Hym Iam March 2, 2023
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someone who has been granted unofficial (or official) privileges by being the race, religion, or orientation that they are. This is, of course, based on what country you are in.

People act like this kind of treatment to minorities does not exist, but no one thinks of refuting the Jim Crow laws.

Mexicans are an official minority
African Americans are an official minority
Gays are an official minority
Muslims are an official minority

Examples apply to the United States.
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When you drink a large amount of stool softeners, and place a finger so it is covering half of your asshole. (Much like when u place a finger over a hose to increase the pressure) You then spray your unsuspecting partner with your fecal matter, making her look like a minority.
I gave my girlfriend a Minority Fire Hose, and knocked her off her feet with the pressure.
by BlueBooty November 19, 2014
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A minority status which comes without the traditional hassles of being a in minority, causing some individuals to have an unearned sense of persecution and self-righteousness.
“The relative privilege of ‘hidable minority’ means that, instead of developing empathy through struggle, they develop the entitlement of white people plus the bitter nihilism of a post-oppression minority. They come to define themselves politically no longer by progress, but by moral purity.” ~Eli Bosnick, Skepticrat Episode 184
by G4 The Inimitable October 10, 2022
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A: jeez have you seen gene from that very not normal regular show??
B: Yeah! he's such a minor diddler!
by dumpstr December 26, 2022
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usually a white person, can be cis, who tries to be friends with minority in order to seem less racist or to seem apart of the minority when they’re not. But overall has this gotta catch them all but refuses to actually accept they are apart of the problem. Also can look to other race groups for minority points when they do the bare minimum.
friend 1: Have you seen so and so story at the protest? They completely just took a photo and left. it’s all over there private story.

friend 2: Weren’t they going off about people who do the same thing. Told you they were a minority hugger.
by kissmygrits April 21, 2021
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inclusive of anything CONSENSUAL that ISN'T:
Rape is rape.
Pedophiles and zoophiles NOT. Why would you even associate sexual & gender minority with RAPE?
by suck_my_d33 July 12, 2021
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