A weekender is a person who often enjoys their life more than most. They usually are well off if not downright wealthy. Often times seen driving in packs of SUVs and hot convertables. SUVs of choice are the Suburban/Yukon, Range Rovers and the occasional BMW x3/5 or Ford Excursion. Weekenders Migrate momentarily around Firearms Deer Season, Christmas and then for around 4 months during the summer season when their spawn "brats", leave their private schools. Towns may grow rapidly from a population for 1500 to well over 12,000 in just a matter of days.
Weekenders often make their presence know by filling local lakes beyond capacity with boats and by letting their children raise hell.
The worst weekenders are of the Chicago and Indiana descent. These are often likely to be found in west michigan, especially anywhere within 25 inland miles of any Great Lake.
Fucking weekenders and brats ruin summer.
by atbj February 20, 2006
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A time spent enjoying life where the presses of work are not on your shoulders spend with loved ones or family enjoying hobbies,partying or just vegging.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 21, 2020
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A giver of false hope.

The reason why you always wait to do your work, and then the reason why you have none of it done on time.
Before the weekend: Two days off means more time to work on stuff!
During the weekend: I'm gonna rest for a while....
by considerthefollowing June 26, 2018
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A famous R&B singer with a high pitch voice. Some of his songs are the Hills, Low Life, Star boy, and can't feel my face. He is a good singer, and has some major talent
The Weekend savage, his voice high tho.
by Monwy boii keep it raining all February 16, 2017
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slang term for a powerful drug that gives a large long-lasting erection. It is said that if taken on a friday the participant will still be hard on the monday hence the term.
sunday dinner around the family table. I regretted taking the weekender
by Benjamin Martin March 10, 2008
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A famous singer with a extremely high pich voice that sound like he has his dick stuck in his zipper. The only people that like him are young retarded girls or an older guy that is trying to get those yung girls.
Rhian:"i like the weekend "
No one in his workspace/class liked him after he sead that. The only people that did where young girls.
Dont be like Rhian.
by 123 suck my pp March 17, 2019
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A time of the week where you hookup with a person named D’Angelo. Repeats every WEEKEND.
o shit dude it’s the weekend, time to hookup with D’Angelo.
by only.true.answers November 3, 2019
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