The way me and my girl bestie use it is if you're dating someone, you're saying your next victim is someone else like say you have a bf/gf and you're talking to other people but you're not cheating you're going to say that person is your next victim meaning that's the next person you're going to date after you and your boyfriend broke up.
Friend- My next victim after I'm done with my boyfriend Ima go to ____ we see each other a lot.

Friend- My next victim after I'm done with my man is _____, we been talking too but on the low just not together till me and my bf break up.
by ykwhoitisyn April 30, 2023
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1.) urban metal rock band

2.) Beyond doubt besr pocker empires player ever, owns leaderboards and other lords, phoenix ever more.
Victimizer was most feared. Many statistics left in his wake.
by arkangel michael January 1, 2012
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Often abbreviated to "PV".

Commonly used to refer to a girl with whom you are considering courtship/elopement/copulation/mating/etc. Typically used by people who are less than attractive to begin with; therefore their person-of-desire is considered "prey".
"Spot any PV's (potential victims) tonight at that house party?"

"I'm going to walk around the club and look for some PV's. I'll report back to you with the results."
by kngcn August 20, 2012
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"victim card" in short means some one who will try and act like a victim in a situation to get sympathy from other people.
by jerm200 June 23, 2016
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In a group picture, the individual(s) who are cropped out to make to focus on one person, often for a profile picture
I was Matt's latest crop victim in his current Facebook profile pic.
by goodmorningvhoyz October 24, 2015
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The score of someones victimhood level out of 100 according to whatever groups they are seen (or claim to be) a part of
Person1: Hello i'm a black american man!
Calculator: Nice, thats 40 victim points!
Person2: You privileged scum. I'm a gay muslim transgender refugee vegan american orphan in a burqua!
Calculator: *explodes*
by aWoodenTableInDrag August 10, 2017
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1) The dramatic portrayal of oneself as being disadvantaged by misfortune, in the pursuit of others pity and sympathy.

2) To portray another individual as the cause of misfortune, in order to appear victimized; to villainize someone
“That guy is playing the victim card by telling his sob story

“That person is using a victim card in her attempt to villainize all white people as racist”
by Quake2000 May 19, 2018
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