you have just been friendzoned.
guy texts a girl: hey beautiful
girl replies: sup
by jess26 October 16, 2014
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What one would say in one's company in the morning of a glorious sunny day in Buckinghamshire, England.
Sup Jeeves, how are you feeling this fine morning? After I butter your scone would you like me to fetch your 'Fox Hunting monthly' magazine and open it to the 'letters' page?
by Muckle Flugga October 8, 2006
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To drink alcohol, usually in yorkshire.
I were out in the Fleece last night doin a power o supping
by thestig8 March 22, 2016
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Work-out supplements that slugs at West Point take three weeks prior to Christmas/Easter/summer break, to aid in their pathetic attempts at increasing their bicep size or getting a 6-pack
Yo dude Christmas is coming up, we better go get some sups from GNC.
by super slug November 9, 2009
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what is happening?; what is going on?; how are you doing?
'Sup dude' 'hey guy, SUP'
by mArK TwAiN JR March 3, 2009
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